Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Outfit Love: Thrifting all the way

Hermanus has decided that Spring is canceled this year... we had lovely warm, sunny days in August and went October hit, winter was back. It's been two weeks of very cold, windy and rainy day! Most all of our little town's shoppies are fully stocked with summer clothes and swimwear. Now it's freezing, my winter wardrobe is worn and I can't find a decent jersey anywhere! In defeat, I decided to go thrifting to cheer myself up and it worked! I came home with a lovely chunky Woolworths jersey which I found at the Animal welfare shop for only R25. My Ivory earrings were a gift from my friend, Irma. I made this statement necklace using wooden beads which I collected from various places. And for the grand finale, my Sissy Boy jeans! These are vintage high-waisted skinny jeans. I found them in a bag of clothes a friend of my mom gave me to do what I can with. Anything I can't wear, cut up or make something pretty with, goes to local charity shops. 
-i do so hope the weather turns warmer soon, i sure could use a tan-

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